2022 You deserves the best (because let’s be real, 2020 and 2021 You are soo three lockdowns ago). If you’ve already given up on your New Year’s resolutions, you’re not alone (the virtual yoga subscription that’s just sitting there, the five-minute journal cast aside . . . ). It’s not that you don’t want to be the best version of yourself that you can be – maybe your space just isn’t set up for it! Like, how can you do yoga at home when you don’t have enough room to lay out a yoga mat? We know that decluttering your living room was on your 2022-to do list! The good news is that we can help you get back on track with a few space-optimising ideas, so 2022 You can still come true.
Step One: Get Organised
How can you stick to diligent habit-tracking and 12-step skincare routine if your products are strewn about and your space is a mess? If you’re looking to optimise your routine, you need to get organised. To do so, look no further than Vanico Maronyx’s selection of storage-savvy vanities. We’re particularly drawn to the Fuzion Powder Room collection, which includes two cabinets: a vertical storage unit and a sink with under-hanging storage, perfect for organising and separating your bathroom products (so your new daily vitamins aren’t hanging out with your eye cream).
Step Two: Make Your Space Flow
If one of your resolutions this year was to spend more quality time at home (i.e., less mutual couch phone-scrolling) opt for design that allows for spatial flow. If your living room naturally leads into the kitchen, then games night can spill into the kitchen for family dinner time. To open up your home and create an organic sense of continuity in your living spaces, Cosentino’s Silestone White Zeus flooring is the perfect addition. If you want to go all out, Cosentino offers this shade of flooring as wall and woodwork options, so you can really synchronise your space.
If you aren’t looking for a full renovation and would prefer to add specific pieces that creates a sense of warmth and togetherness in your space, consider adding one of Dimplex’s electric fireplaces. Guaranteed to make your living space more cosy (while encouraging everyone to mingle and linger after dinner), the Dimplex Prism Series 50” Electric Linear Fireplace is our top choice. It’s controlled by a multi-function remote, which means that you can queue the cosiness in the living room from the kitchen (while everyone else gets the popcorn and movie lined up).
Step Three: Set Yourself up for Success
Speaking of the kitchen, have you been trying to eat better this year? We know how it goes – when the kitchen is a mess, takeout seems like the only viable option. While ordering out seems more convenient, it can really put a strain on your bank account. Why not set yourself up for success with a kitchen designed to make meal prep and clean up as easy as ordering UberEats? With Franke’s range of products, you can outfit your kitchen like a Top Chef station. Streamline your sink with Franke’s Culinary Center – it’s an addition that fits snugly over your sink, complete with two removable cutting boards, a colander and a draining rac, so you can go from “what’s for dinner” to a home cooked meal in no time.
Whether you’re looking to optimise your space or add a few key pieces to streamline your home, t2h offers an extensive selection of high-quality products. To explore the range of options that t2h can provide for your home’s upgrade, visit us in-store at our Vaughan or Etobicoke locations to speak with a Brand Ambassador or book a virtual consultation on TUBS 360.